If you need access to any of the following publications, email me and I'll send them to you.
* = co-first authors listed in alphabetical order
[15] Stigliano, Laura, Murujosa, Marisol, and Verdecchia, Matías. Comparing two experimental designs for the study of subject islands in Spanish. To appear in Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics [email me for a draft]
[14] Stigliano, Laura and Carranza, Fernando. Universal todo(s), quantification, and domain restriction in Spanish. To appear in Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics [email me for a draft]
[13] Stigliano, Laura. Mixed-identity requirements in ellipsis. The case of Topic-Remnant Elided Questions in Spanish. To appear in Syntactic Theory and Research (STAR)
[12] Saab, Andrés* and Stigliano, Laura*. (2023) On an undocumented type of predicate ellipsis in Spanish and its consequences for the theory of ellipsis licensing. In R. Pires de Oliveira and C. Rodrigues (eds.), Trending topics in Romance linguistics -Special issue of Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 9(4), 1-34. DOI:
[11] Stigliano, Laura. (2023). Unveiling Topic-Remnant Elided Polar Questions: A new elliptical construction in Spanish and its consequences for the Identity Condition. Borealis – An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics 12(2), 191–222. DOI:
[10] Stigliano, Laura. (2022) The Silence of Syntax: A theory of ellipsis licensing and identity. Doctoral dissertation. The University of Chicago
[9] Ronai, Eszter* and Stigliano, Laura*. (2022) Experimentally testing the interpretation of multiple sluicing and multiple questions. The Linguistic Review 39(3), 401-423. DOI:
[8] Stigliano, Laura. (2022). P-omission in ellipsis in Spanish: Evidence for syntactic identity. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 40(4), 1353–1389. DOI:
[7] Stigliano, Laura and Xiang, Ming. (2021) Experimental Evidence on Island Effects in Spanish Relative Clauses. Probus 33(2), 271-296. DOI:
[6] Ronai, Eszter* and Stigliano, Laura*. (2021). Is Multiple Fronting Necessary for Multiple Sluicing? The View from Hungarian. In R. Soo et al. (eds.), WCCFL38: Proceedings of the 38th meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 377-385. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
[5] Stigliano, Laura. (2021) Ellipsis requires syntactic and semantic identity: Evidence from Fragment Questions in Spanish. Proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America 6(1). DOI:
[4] Ronai, Eszter* and Stigliano, Laura*. (2021) Licensing of nominal ellipsis in Hungarian possessives. Proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America 6(1). DOI:
[3] Ronai, Eszter* and Stigliano, Laura*. (2020). NP ellipsis bleeds allomorphy in Hungarian. Snippets 39, 10-12. DOI:
[2] Ronai, Eszter* and Stigliano, Laura*. (2020). Adjectival sluices in Hungarian: an argument for isomorphic sources. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 38(4), 1197–1210. DOI:
[1] Stigliano, Laura. (2019). P-stranding in ellipsis in Spanish does not arise from copular sources. In M. Baird, D. Göksu, and J. Pesetsky (eds.), NELS49: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society 3, 183-192. Amherst, MA: Graduate Student Linguistic Association
Stigliano, Laura and Morado-Vázquez, María. The landscape of verbal ellipses in Galician. In preparation. Chapter for Ellipsis in Romance (Oxford University Press).
Stigliano, Laura and Morado-Vázquez, María. Verb-Echo Answers in Galician arise from V-Stranding VP-Ellipsis. In preparation [slides LSRL]
Stigliano, Laura. Los mecanismos de la elipsis en las Preguntas-Qu Elididas de Tópico-Remanente. In preparation. Invited contribution.